Animal Welfare Assurances

On This Page: 

Distribution within institution

Foreign Assurances

  • NOT-OD-13-096. Implementation of the Revised International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals
  • NOT-OD-12-081. Change in Criteria for Renewal of Animal Welfare Assurances for Foreign Institutions
  • NOT-OD-10-083. Update of Sample Animal Welfare Assurance for Foreign Institutions

Period of Approval

  • NOT-OD-14-099. Notice of Change in Criteria for Renewal of Domestic Animal Welfare Assurances
  • NOT-OD-04-052. Office of Extramural Research Notice Regarding Animal Welfare Documents Submitted to the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare 

Sample Assurance document

Terms & conditions

Veterinary care

This page last updated on: Jun 17, 2024
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