The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) provides guidance and interpretation of the Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Policy), supports educational programs, and monitors compliance with the Policy by Assured institutions and PHS funding components to ensure the humane care and use of animals in PHS-supported research, testing, and training, thereby contributing to the quality of PHS-supported activities.
Major Responsibilities
- Provides general administration and coordination of the PHS Policy for research conducted or supported by any component of the PHS
- Coordinates PHS regulations, policies, and procedures within the PHS and with other Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government
- Negotiates Animal Welfare Assurances with institutions engaged in PHS-conducted or -supported research using animals
- Evaluates reports of noncompliance with PHS Policy and conducts compliance oversight of PHS-supported animal care and use programs
- Provides clarification and guidance for both the Federal and non-Federal sectors with respect to the use of animals in research
- Provides final review and decision making (PDF) on behalf of NIH on actions involving PHS Policy
- Directs the development and implementation of educational and instructional programs and generates educational resource materials
- Evaluates the effectiveness of PHS policies and programs for the humane care and use of laboratory animals through site visits of awardee institutions
- Serves as liaison to Presidential, Departmental, Congressional, interagency, and non-governmental Commissions and Boards established to examine issues pertaining to laboratory animal welfare in research and exercises leadership in identifying and addressing such issues
Division of Assurances
- Determines the need for an Animal Welfare Assurance and the appropriate type of Assurance
- Negotiates Assurances with research institutions
- Provides liaison, guidance, and PHS Policy interpretation to research institutions, investigators, Federal officials and the public
- Maintains existing Assurance mechanisms and advises awarding units of changes in PHS Policy implementation
- Reviews and accepts institutional annual reports
- Resolves grant award clarifications or restrictions involving animal subjects
- Evaluates the effectiveness of PHS policies and programs for the humane care and use of laboratory animals through site visits of awardee institutions
Division of Compliance Oversight
- Evaluates institutional self-reports of noncompliance and corrective action plans to ensure correction of problems and prevention of recurrences
- Evaluates third party allegations of noncompliance with PHS Policy and conducts compliance oversight of PHS-supported animal care and use programs
- Provides liaison, guidance, and PHS Policy interpretation to research institutions, investigators, Federal officials and the public
- Evaluates the effectiveness of PHS policies and programs for the humane care and use of laboratory animals through site visits of awardee institutions
Division of Policy and Education
- Develops policy clarification and guidance, coordinates development of such clarification and guidance with other agencies based on Memoranda Of Understanding, and supports core NIH functions related to animal activities
- Produces and coordinates conferences focusing on PHS Policy requirements, animal welfare compliance, reduction of unnecessary administrative burden, and education on recommended practices in PHS-funded research
- Promotes cooperative education and development efforts with external groups to increase educational opportunities for IACUCs, research administrators, investigators, veterinarians, and others involved in research with animals
- Develops and implements training on the PHS Policy and animal welfare compliance requirements for PHS grants management, review, contracts and program staff
- Develops, maintains, and updates the OLAW webpage and electronic resources, and communicates critical compliance information to stakeholders
- Provides assistance and guidance to institutions engaged in PHS-supported activities involving animals on how to comply with the PHS Policy
For staff contact information, visit the Contact Us page.