Look here to find an index of resources (FAQs, guidance, articles, and webinars) relating to different aspects of the PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, organized by topic.

Animal Use and Management


On This Page: 



Alternatives to animals

Animal numbers

Animal reuse

Animal transfer

Emergency, weekend, and holiday care

Environmental enrichment


Euthanasia methods

Expired materials

Food/fluid regulation

Housing practices/construction

Mouse ascites

Multiple survival surgeries

Non-pharmaceutical-grade substances



Animal Welfare Assurances
On This Page: 

Distribution within institution

Foreign Assurances

  • NOT-OD-13-096. Implementation of the Revised International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals
  • NOT-OD-12-081. Change in Criteria for Renewal of Animal Welfare Assurances for Foreign Institutions
  • NOT-OD-10-083. Update of Sample Animal Welfare Assurance for Foreign Institutions

Period of Approval

  • NOT-OD-14-099. Notice of Change in Criteria for Renewal of Domestic Animal Welfare Assurances
  • NOT-OD-04-052. Office of Extramural Research Notice Regarding Animal Welfare Documents Submitted to the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare 

Sample Assurance document

Terms & conditions

Veterinary care

Applicability of the PHS Policy


On This Page: 


Animal tissue or materials

Amphibians and fish

Clinical studies

Custom services

Embryonated eggs

Field studies

Non-PHS funded activities

Privately owned animals

IACUC Composition, Functions and Authority
On This Page: 


Alternate members



Change in scope



Electronic communications

Financial compensation

Institutional Officials



Nonscientific and Nonaffiliated members


Review of concerns


Institutional Reporting to OLAW
On This Page: 

Annual Reports


Freedom of Information Act - FOIA

Minority Views

Reporting Noncompliance

Sanctions & Suspensions


Institutional Responsibilities
On This Page: 


Administrative organization

Agricultural animals / livestock

Animal activism

Appointment of IACUC



Disaster plans & emergencies

IO vs. CEO

Occupational health & safety

Pandemic (COVID-19)

Important: COVID-19 specific text no longer represents current NIH policy. Pandemic information in place prior to the end of the public health emergency is maintained for historical purposes only. Please refer to current guidance and FAQs on disaster preparedness and emergencies.

Performance standards

Post-approval monitoring

Training of staff

Policy and Regulation
Program Review & Inspection of Facilities
On This Page: 

  NOT-OD-24-076. Guidance on Flexibilities for Conducting Semiannual Program Review

AAALAC evaluations


Field sites

Laboratory inspections

Physical plant

Standard operating procedures

Protocol Review
On This Page:



Approval date

Approval of extensions

Approval methods

Collaborating institutions

Conditional approvals

Conflict of interest


Foreign-derived samples

Foreign institutions

Frequency of review

Grant review

Humane endpoints

Nonresearch activities

Nontraditional species

Pilot studies


3 R's

Review criteria

Scientific merit

Significant changes


Time of grant award

Unapproved work

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