OLAW Online Office Hour

Audience: The program is tailored to IACUC staff, IACUC members, IOs, veterinarians, investigators, compliance personnel, animal care staff and others involved in animal programs.


  • Patricia Brown, VMD, MS, Director
  • Eileen Morgan, Division of Assurances
  • Axel Wolff, MS, DVM, Division of Compliance Oversight


Are you confused about the new guidance on the qualifications of nonscientific and nonaffiliated members? Or unsure on the use of alternate members? Do you know the reporting requirements for your NSF-funded animal activities? In this webinar, OLAW staff will answer these and other questions that you have submitted.

Clarification of “de novo”: PHS Policy IV.C.5. requires “The IACUC shall conduct continuing review of each previously approved, ongoing activity covered by this Policy at appropriate intervals as determined by the IACUC, including a complete review in accordance with IV.C.1.-4. at least once every three years.” To maintain consistency with the PHS Policy, “de novo” should be replaced "complete review.”

Note: While this information was accurate at the time presented, policies and procedures change over time. Past webinars may not contain the most current guidance. Please note, do not rely on webinars and associated materials as definitive compliance guidance for your specific situation. For compliance questions, please contact OLAW directly.

Supporting Materials
Slides (pdf) (PDF - 1.49 MB)

Submit comments or questions to OLAW at olawdpe@mail.nih.gov.

This page last updated on: May 30, 2024
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