21st Century Cures Act: Next Steps

Audience: The program is tailored to IACUC staff, IACUC members, IOs, veterinarians, investigators, compliance personnel, animal care staff and others involved in animal programs.

Speakers: Pat Brown, VMD, NIH, Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare; Betty Goldentyer, DVM, USDA, APHIS, Animal Care; and Brianna Skinner, DVM, MPH, FDA, OCET, Office of the Commissioner

Topic: The 21st Century Cures Act, Section 2034(d), directed federal agencies to “complete a review of applicable regulations and policies for the care and use of laboratory animals and to make revisions, as appropriate, to reduce administrative burden on investigators while maintaining the integrity and credibility of research findings and the protection of research animals.” In response to this directive, a working group with representatives from NIH, USDA, and FDA employed a number of strategies to identify regulations and policies that contribute to administrative burden. This included reviewing published reports and surveys on the topic, hosting listening sessions, and collecting feedback from the public. The report detailing the planned speakers will provide updates on the agencies’ plans including discussion on upcoming changes to regulations and policy, how federal agencies are improving coordination and harmonization, and new training and resources being developed.

Note: While this information was accurate at the time presented, policies and procedures change over time. Past webinars may not contain the most current guidance. Please note, do not rely on webinars and associated materials as definitive compliance guidance for your specific situation. For compliance questions, please contact OLAW directly.

Supporting Materials
Transcript (PDF - 521.8 KB)
Slides Handout (PDF - 535.55 KB)
Slides (PDF - 702.04 KB)

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