Foundations for Evaluating Study Design and Statistical Approaches for the IACUC

Audience: The program is tailored to IACUC staff, IACUC members, IOs, veterinarians, investigators, compliance personnel, animal care staff, and others involved in animal programs.


  • Penny Reynolds, PhD, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, University of Florida College of Medicine


Do you want more tools to understand good experimental design when reviewing animal use protocols? Watch this informative webinar on approaches for the IACUC to effectively evaluate study design, animal numbers, and statistical descriptions in animal protocols. By focusing on concepts rather than mathematical equations, this webinar is for all IACUC members regardless of scientific or statistical background.

Learning objectives for this webinar included:

  • Explain the principles of sound study design (e.g., control groups, experimental units, logistical feasibility)
  • Discuss methods to evaluate study design and statistical justifications
  • Relate these skills to transparency, reproducibility, and study quality
  • Identify IACUC resources that IACUCs may be helpful in dealing with these issues

This webinar is based on Dr. Reynolds' particle, Statistics, statistical thinking, and the IACUC.

Audio correction: 59:25 - Should refer to OLAW FAQ D.12, not D.2

Note: While this information was accurate at the time presented, policies and procedures change over time. Past webinars may not contain the most current guidance. Please note, do not rely on webinars and associated materials as definitive compliance guidance for your specific situation. For compliance questions, please contact OLAW directly.

Supporting Materials
Transcript (PDF - 497.28 KB)
Slides (PDF - 4.18 MB)
Study Design Resources (PDF - 297.01 KB)

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