September 17-18, 2024 | Ann Arbor, MI | In-Person
The IACUC Administrators Best Practice meeting is a day and a half professional development opportunity for both new and seasoned IACUC members, IACUC Administrators, program compliance coordinators, and other individuals who contribute to the institution’s animal care and use compliance program. Sessions are initiated using didactic presentations that are intended to provide sufficient background on a number of topics to ensure attendees have a general understanding of an overall Institutional Animal Care and Use program. Participants will engage in interactive discussions and networking opportunities to enhance their understanding and the implementation of regulations governing the care and use of vertebrate animals in research, teaching and instruction. If you are a current member of the IAA, you may attend the IAA Best Practice Meeting at the reduced rate of $235. Individuals that are non-members or those with expired memberships are asked to provide $335 in support for each meeting they attend.
Participants are encouraged to submit questions to Bill Greer at PRIOR TO the event. During each session, attendees will be encouraged to discuss their own institution's practices and ideas.
The IACUC Administrators Association (IAA) is a professional organization promoting collaboration, professional development, and continuing education in animal care and use compliance across diverse sectors like academia and industry. It serves as a hub for knowledge exchange and networking. Faculty focus on understanding applicable regulations, maintaining compliant animal care and use programs, and developing effective and efficient practices for program management.
Information regarding this external event is provided as a courtesy. Please direct all questions to the host organization.