21st Century Cures Act: Updates and Your Questions Answered

Audience: The program is tailored to IACUC staff, IACUC members, IOs, veterinarians, investigators, compliance personnel, animal care staff, and others involved in animal programs.


  • Patricia Brown, VMD, MS, Director, Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, NIH
  • Elizabeth Theodorson, DVM, MPH, Assistant Deputy Administrator, USDA APHIS Animal Care

Topic: This webinar focuses on OLAW and USDA progress on initiatives outlined in the 21st Century Cures Act report. Specifically, agency representatives discuss action items released in 2021.

OLAW discusses guidance on:

  1. using the AAALAC International program description in the OLAW Domestic Assurance,
  2. flexibilities for conducting semiannual animal facility inspections, and
  3. responsibilities for conducting grant- and contract-to protocol congruence review.

OLAW also discusses requests for information (RFIs) on zebrafish and departures from the Guide.

USDA covers changes to requirements for research facilities, contingency planning requirements, and the retirement of teachable moments as of October 1, 2022.

Both speakers also answer questions on these initiatives from attendees.

Note: While this information was accurate at the time presented, policies and procedures change over time. Past webinars may not contain the most current guidance. Please note, do not rely on webinars and associated materials as definitive compliance guidance for your specific situation. For compliance questions, please contact OLAW directly.

Update March 2024: USDA has provided updates to semiannual inspection requirements for USDA-covered species. Updates can be found in NOT-OD-24-075 and NOT-OD-24-076, which are available on the OLAW website at https://olaw.nih.gov/guidance/notices.htm


Supporting Materials
Transcript (PDF - 293.51 KB)
Slides (PDF - 2.12 MB)

Submit comments or questions to OLAW at olawdpe@mail.nih.gov.

This page last updated on: May 30, 2024
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