Methods of Protocol Review: DMR, FCR, and Continuing Review - July 2016



  • At the end of this session, you will be able to understand use of FCR and DMR for protocols and …
  • You will be able to understand continuing review of protocols


  • Differentiate between FCR and DMR
  • Justify the use of FCR and DMR
  • Evaluate how the use of FCR and DMR may affect regulatory burden, animal welfare, and occupational safety
  • Formulate guidance on when to use FCR and DMR
  • Contrast the PHS Policy and AWA when using continuing review
  • Evaluate how continuing review may affect regulatory burden, animal welfare, and occupational safety
  • Formulate guidance on conducting continuing review

Module Developers: Joe Crossno, Larissa Dobbeleare, Nicole Duffee, Cyd Gillett, Tracy Thompson

Module Materials
Slides (PPT) - UPDATED 10/4/2017 (Powerpoint - 116.44 KB)
Module Question

Submit comments or questions to [email protected].

Full Committee Review (FCR) vs. Designated Member Review (DMR) - August 2016


Audience: New IACUC members


  • Understand the acceptable methods of protocol review and approval
  • Explore how to reduce self-imposed “regulatory” burden by the appropriate use of DMR


  • Describe and characterize the federal requirements for FCR and DMR
  • Examine IACUC member responsibilities for the protocol review process
  • Determine potential risks and burdens of each review method
  • Assess institutional best practices for use of FCR vs. DMR

Module Developers: Marcy Brown, Monte Matthews, Christina Nascimento, Nicolette Petervary, Jerry Poling

Module Materials
Slides (PPT) - UPDATED 10/4/2017 (Powerpoint - 140.73 KB)
Module Question

Submit comments or questions to [email protected].

Pain & Distress / Humane Endpoints - July 2016


Goal: Understand how to effectively review protocols to ensure pain and distress are minimized consistent with sound research design


  • Define pain, distress, experimental endpoints, and humane endpoints
  • Evaluate the potential for pain and distress
  • Determine the acceptability of the management of possible pain and distress
  • Ensure an appropriate link between experimental and humane endpoints

Module Developers: Alice Huang, Kiirsa Pokryfke, Ernie Prentice, Stacy Pritt, William Singleton

Module Materials
Mock IACUC Scenario (PDF - 208.2 KB)
Slides (PDF) - UPDATED 10/4/2017 (Powerpoint - 102.42 KB)
Module Question

Submit comments or questions to [email protected].

Significant Changes: What the IACUC Administrator Needs to Know - July 2016


Audience: IACUC administrators

Goal: Understanding significant changes to animal use protocols


You will be able to:

  • Define significant changes to animal use protocols
  • Differentiate between significant and minor changes
  • Evaluate how the processes in OLAW Notice NOT-OD-14-126 may support a reduction in regulatory burden

Module Developers: Claire Johnson, Elaine Kim, Carolyn McKinnie, Gina Prochilo-Cawston, Michael Taylor

Module Materials
Slides (PPT) - UPDATED 10/12/2017 (Powerpoint - 19.65 MB)
Module Question

Submit comments or questions to [email protected].

Facility Inspection Module - July 2016


Goal: The IACUC training module is to provide an understanding of the facility inspection process to safeguard animal welfare.


  1. Define responsibility of IACUC members
  2. Perform an inspection
  3. Identify and classify deficiencies
  4. Create a report documenting the findings/results and a corrective action plan

Module Developers: Janna Barcelo, Deborah Holland, Sally Light, Gregory Reinhard, Obed Rutebuka

Module Materials
Facilitator Manual (PDF) (PDF - 255.73 KB)
Slides (PPT) - UPDATED 10/3/2017 (Powerpoint - 4.3 MB)
Module Question

Submit comments or questions to [email protected].

Noncompliance and Reporting / FOIA - July 2016



  • To understand noncompliance in relation to animal welfare concerns
  • To determine reportability and the impact on animal welfare and science


The learner should be able to:

  • Recognize potential noncompliance in animal care and use programs
  • Describe the steps for communicating and verifying concerns
  • Categorize compliant vs. noncompliant incidents
  • Evaluate whether a noncompliance is reportable and to whom
  • Explore implications of reporting noncompliances

Module Developers: Rob Anderson, Becky Armstrong, Amy Chuang, Randy Nelson, Sally Thompson-Iritani

Module Materials
AAALAC Reporting (PDF) (PDF - 374.64 KB)
Decision Tree (PDF) (PDF - 91.97 KB)
OLAW Guidance (PDF) (PDF - 132.83 KB)
Slides (PPT) - UPDATED 10/4/2017 (Powerpoint - 15.12 MB)
Module Question

Submit comments or questions to [email protected].

Pain and Distress and Humane Endpoints - August 2016


Audience: Operations staff (i.e., veterinary, husbandry, and research) primarily; also the IACUC (protocol reviewers)


  • Understanding and recognizing pain and distress
  • Knowledge of how to manage pain and distress


  • Recognize species specific behaviors and distinguish them from pain and distress
  • Distinguish what is scientifically justified pain and distress, consistent with sound research design
  • Use tools (e.g., scoring system) to assess pain level
  • Document an incident of pain and distress

Module Developers: Bruce Kennedy, Gene Hines, Kelly Fusco, Tanise Jackson, Trina Smith

Module Materials
Goals (PDF) (PDF - 269.69 KB)
Module Question

Submit comments or questions to [email protected].

Significant Changes to IACUC-Approved Protocols - August 2016



  • Provide IACUC members with a basic understanding as to what constitutes a significant change to an IACUC-approved protocol.
  • Allow IACUC members to gain an understanding of the review methods available to them for review and approval of significant changes
  • Empower the IACUC to implement the Veterinary Verification and Consultation (VVC) process at their institution


  • Define significant changes
  • Describe the review methods for significant changes
  • Formulate a template process to implement Veterinary Verification and Consultation (VVC)

Module Developers: Tim Allen, Mike Andrews, Javier Cisneros, Claire Hankenson, Rachel Murray

Module Materials
Slides (PPT) - UPDATED 10/12/2017 (Powerpoint - 845.47 KB)
Module Question

Submit comments or questions to [email protected].


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