Methods of Protocol Review: DMR, FCR, and Continuing Review - July 2016
- At the end of this session, you will be able to understand use of FCR and DMR for protocols and …
- You will be able to understand continuing review of protocols
- Differentiate between FCR and DMR
- Justify the use of FCR and DMR
- Evaluate how the use of FCR and DMR may affect regulatory burden, animal welfare, and occupational safety
- Formulate guidance on when to use FCR and DMR
- Contrast the PHS Policy and AWA when using continuing review
- Evaluate how continuing review may affect regulatory burden, animal welfare, and occupational safety
- Formulate guidance on conducting continuing review
Module Developers: Joe Crossno, Larissa Dobbeleare, Nicole Duffee, Cyd Gillett, Tracy Thompson
Submit comments or questions to [email protected].