Resources for the 3Rs

Audience: The program is tailored to IACUC staff, IACUC members, IOs, veterinarians, investigators, compliance personnel, animal care staff and others involved in animal programs. 


  • Brian Haugen, PhD, Office of Data Analysis Tools & Systems, Office of Extramural Research, NIH
  • Alissa Resch, PhD, Genetic Repository, Coriell Institute for Medical Research


Dr. Haugen discusses access to data in RePORTER (a database of research funded by NIH and other components of HHS, as well as the VA) as a resource to search for refinements, research models, publications, techniques, and more. RePORTER offers tools to summarize this information through visualization tools web interface and to export details for large numbers of projects. Users can also register a MyRePORTER account, where they can save frequently-used queries and receive email updates when new projects, publications, or other results are added to the RePORTER database.

Dr. Resch expands on the wide range of biomaterials Coriell makes available to the international research community, including cell lines, stem cells, DNA samples, and additional research assets.

View the recording to see Dr. Haugen’s demonstration of RePORT and RePORTER.

Note: While this information was accurate at the time presented, policies and procedures change over time. Past webinars may not contain the most current guidance. Please note, do not rely on webinars and associated materials as definitive compliance guidance for your specific situation. For compliance questions, please contact OLAW directly.

Supporting Materials
Transcript (pdf) (PDF - 109.99 KB)
Slides (pdf) (PDF - 4.64 MB)

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