OLAW Webinar: Disaster Preparedness and Response


September 26, 2024 | 1:00-2:00pm ET | Virtual

Join us for a practical discussion on disaster preparedness and response, including in-the-trenches experience from a seasoned expert!

Dr. Michael R. Holbrook, PhD, is the Associate Director for High Containment at the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Integrated Research Facility (IRF) at Ft. Detrick in Frederick, MD. He is the current chair of the NIH High-Containment Task Force, as well as been involved in the development and activation of three BSL-4 facilities.

Prior to his current position, he was the Director of the Robert E. Shope BSL-4 Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Center and the Emerging and High-Risk Pathogens (BSL-4) Core of the Galveston National Laboratory in addition to running his own research program focused on emerging and re-emerging viral diseases. While there, a key consideration was the annual threat of hurricanes that could impact the barrier island which has an average elevation of 7 feet above sea level. During this time, hurricanes Katrina and Rita came close to the island and hurricane Ike made a direct hit. Disaster planning and preparedness played a critical role in the ability to reduce storm impact.


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